Management Plans and Ecological Clerk of Works
Biosecurity Management Plans

Certain projects may carry a risk of transferring invasive species to highly sensitive sites, in particular where projects require marine or terrestrial transit to or through highly sensitive sites.

In these scenarios it is recommended, and may be required by statutory authorities, that a biosecurity management plan is carried out to ensure that invasive species are not transported.

Ecological Clerk of Works 

We provide Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) services for major and / or sensitive construction projects. We will work with staff and contractors to ensure that ecological conditions and monitoring requirements are met.

Conor has experience performing the role on a range of projects from uninhabited offshore islands to large wind farm projects.

Habitat Management Plans

Habitat management plans are required to outline the prescriptions, and responsible persons necessary for the management of habitats associated with protected sites or development mitigation and enhancement conditions.

Invasive Species Management Plans 

The spread of certain invasive species is illegal and where these species might occur prior to a development an Invasive Species Management Plan will likely be required to outline how the risk of dispersing these species will be managed. Examples of where this will be needed include, but not limited to, sites with Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsalm and Floating Pennywort.