Species and Habitat Surveys
Habitat Surveys 

Our ecologists provide ecological surveys in Belfast and beyond that include JNCC Phase 1 (Northern Ireland) and Fossitt (Ireland) ecological surveys that are required for baseline ecological assessments and are in accordance with relevant best practice.

Species Surveys 

Where a development may risk certain species a follow up survey to ascertain if the site is of significant value to a species will be required. This may include: 
  • Breeding and wintering birds;
  • Flora;
  • Herpetofauna;
  • Invertebrates; and
  • Terrestrial mammals.
 With experience across all protected fauna and most protected flora our ecology team can help – or recommend someone who can.  

Bat Surveys

All bats are considered a protected species and surveys for bats are required for a number of different projects, for instance the installation of lighting or removal of hedgerow may require a bat activity survey whereas the removal of trees with Potential Roosting Features or old buildings may require Bat Emergence Surveys.

Our ecologists are trained in best practice bat survey and mitigation and can provide the following services: 
  • Bat manual and static activity surveys;
  • Roost assessments;
  • Bat emergence surveys; and
  • Bat call analysis.
There are very specific requirements that are needed for a bat survey to be in accordance with best practice, please get in touch if you need a bat survey sooner rather than later to avoid programme delays.